
Christian Engvall is an experienced developer with app, backend and frontend skills. He’s currently creating games at his own company Honkbark Studios.

(Below follows a wall of text. If that isn’t your cup of tea maybe I can interest you with projects and customers Christian has worked with?)

Freelance developer (2017 - now)

To finance his own ideas at Honkbark Studios he helps companies with software projects. He has been hired for roles as senior advisor and developer, using techniques such as Node.JS, React and Electron.

Honkbark Studios (2015 - now)

Christian has a mind that constantly makes him want to explore new things. That is why he started his game development studio under which he has released a game called Friendsheep. It started out has a half time project but is now Christians full time assignment.

Consid (2014 - 2016)

Christian was head hunted by Consid. They got several tips by former colleagues that Christian was a good developer which lead to them hiring him. Christians knowledge in integrations and backend development seasoned with knowledge in frontend development made him a good fit for the company.

Husvisningar.se (2013 - 2014)

Since Christian wanted to explore open source technologies, he created husvisningar.se after working hours with two former colleagues. The leading broker in Sweden called hemnet.se could not show model homes on their site. So that became the business concept of husvisningar.se. This time he used Ruby on rails to create the site. The site was later sold so Christian is not involved anymore.

Sogeti (2011 - 2014)

During his stay at Sogeti Christian helped Swedish public authorities to build integrations and mashups from their existing apis and services, and then displaying this data on their web, so he got to use both his backend and frontend skills during this assignment while working with .NET technologies.

He also helped the largest newspaper in Jönköping to go from printed issue to publishing their news on their website. This included writing integrations from Newspilot (a system where journalists wrote their articles) to the CMS and then publishing the news online. He coded mainly using PHP, javascript, css and HTML.

Sogeti also taught Christian how to develop apps for the iOS platform which lead to assignments in creating an iOS apps for Swedish authorities.

Bluerange (2009 - 2011)

After graduation Christian was hired as a system/backend developer at Bluerange Technologies. His task assignment was to develop a CMS that hosted around 500 clients. He wrote integrations between the CMS and different payment services so that e-commerce customers could receive payments online. Creating integrations between ERP systems and customer websites was also a part of his assignments. The languages Christian coded in was mainly C#, Javascript, HTML and CSS.

The early years and education

Christian started to develop software at the early age of 10. It all started with a software called Klik & Play in which he created games along with a good friend. He was then introduced to Visual Basic (5.0) by his teacher and went on to create text based games.

In upper secondary technical school he was introduced to running his own Apache web server on Debian. He then explored the open source world of PHP and MySQL. His project work was to create a website for a handball tournament. During this time he acquired the interest to share knowledge and code.

Christian continued in the field of technology by studying Information Systems Analysis at Linköping University. Here he expanded his knowledge in programming, but he also acquired knowledge in software methodologies such as scrum. To earn some extra money he worked part time at the IT-department of Linköping University with customer service and support. He then graduated with a bachelor of science in the field.

Spare time

In his spare time he is into composing music and publish code on Github. He is also interested in personal finance and is trying to discover the perfect balance between work life and spare time. When not being stationary in front of a computer he likes going for walks in the forrest with along side his Bernese mountain dog. And when the weather allows he likes to go skiing.


2017 - now
Freelance software developer

2015 - now
Game developer and owner at Honkbark studios, Jönköping

2014 - 2016
Consultant at Consid, Jönköping

2013 - 2014
Co-founder and developer at Husvisningar.se Read article at jnytt.se

2011 – 2014
Consultant at Sogeti, Jönköping

2009 – 2011
Software developer at Bluerange Technologies, Jönköping


2006 – 2009
Information Systems Analysis at Linköping University