While waiting for the santa to come i took the time to update the Honkbark Studios logo and make my Dribbble debut.
Why the monkey?
The name Honkbark Studios comes from the sound of the Kipunji monkey. It’s a species that was first discovered in 2003. And how cool isn’t it that after so long time on this earth we still discover new species? Inspired by this i needed to discover something new myself so i went from playing games to create my own. With this in mind i created the monkey with a pair of gamepad shades. It turned out pretty nice i think!
Tools used
This logo was made using Pixelmator. It’s an alternative to Photoshop for people like me who doesn’t have that kind of budget and does not want to borrow it from the internet with a pirate bay license :) . At the time of writing this blog post Pixelmator costs 319 SEK on the mac app store.
Upcoming Dribbble shots
I will fill the dribbble account with some graphics from the upcoming game Friendsheep. And hopefully from the upcoming games.
Thanks to Urban Sandén for the invite to Dribbble!