Ionic is a cross platform tool to create mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phones. Lets take a look at installing Ionic.
I thought I’d build an app called Dogwalk. I wanted it to run on both Android and iOS phones so I decided to learn Ionic. I also thought I’d blog about all the steps I take to create it. You will get to know more about the app as we go along.
Start by installing Node.js. After that open up a terminal and use npm to install cordova and ionic:
npm install -g cordova ionic
Creating an app
To create an app using Ionic there are three templates you can start with, blank
, tabs
and sidemenu
. The name of the templates kind of explains themselves.
For dogwalk I’d like to start with the blank template by typing this in the terminal:
ionic start --v2 dogwalk blank
When this is done you can run an almost empty app in the iOS simulator or in your browser. Running it in the browser is a great way to speed up development since you do not have to wait for the simulator to start every time.
Command to run it in your browser:
cd dogwalk
ionic serve
To run the app in ios simulator: (make sure you have it installed)
cd dogwalk
ionic run ios
That’s it!