A while back me and some friends figured we should make a game now when indie games is such a hot topic and we have a few game ideas of our own that we would like to implement. To do this we need to learn some new technologies, for example 3D modeling and the engine that we have chosen because it allows us to publish games on multiple platforms, and that is unity. Hopefully this post is just the start of many ones covering the progress of making an indie game.
So this first post about game development i thought i’d share some nice tutorials that makes you get a hang of how unity works quite fast. They also bring a feeling of curiosity to dig deeper into the unity api.
Make a game
Create a survival game
How to make a 2D game
Thanks to Asbjørn Thirslund at brackeys for releasing these videos for free.
But unities own tutorials is also a good place to start.
I would be happy if anyone would like to share some other great resources to learn unity, if so, why not add a link to them in the comments!