To be able to place orders locally using a payment app it needs to be able to communicate with the outside world. Lets have a look how to get that working with ngrok.
1. Download and register ngrok
Download ngrok and sign up free account. We will need that to use https. After you have signed up you will get an authtoken. Fire up you ngrok-terminal and type:
ngrok authtoken <my-token>
use ngrok.exe if you are using windows.
ngrok.exe authtoken <my-token>
2. Exposing a server
Open up your docker-compose.yaml-file and scroll down to the ports section of the desired app. Shown below is the direct-payment example, in which we are interested in knowing that it uses port 10011.
The direct-payment app doesn’t need ngrok to work. But since it is present in the default installation of Litium we will use it as an example. You are probably doing this for a payment app such as Svea or Klarna.
- "10010:80"
- "10011:443"
Now go back to your terminal and run:
ngrok http https://localhost:10011
Or this in Windows:
ngrok.exe http https://localhost:10011
You will now see something looking like this:
ngrok by @inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit) Session Status online Account My name (Plan: Free) Version 2.3.666 Region United States (us) Web Interface Forwarding -> https://localhost:14001 Forwarding -> https://localhost:14001 Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Copy the ngrok-url using https and lets continue.
3. Using the ngrok url
Go back to your docker-compose.yaml-file and set the AppMetadata__AppUrl to your ngrok url.
- "10010:80"
- "10011:443"
- AppMetadata__AppUrl=
4. Docker time
Now stop your applications in docker and then run:
docker-compose up
And that is it. Thanks to Nils at Litium support!