I noticed that the SveaPayment app container kept restarting in docker. And at least I thought that I had set up my local dev certs the correct way, but this message showed up in the logs of the app:
Unhandled exception . Interop + Crypto + OpenSslCryptographicException : error : 2006D080 : BIO routines : BIO_new_file : no such file
at Interop . Crypto . CheckValidOpenSslHandle ( SafeHandle handle )
at Internal . Cryptography . Pal . OpenSslX509CertificateReader . FromFile ( String fileName , SafePasswordHandle password , X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags )
at System . Security . Cryptography . X509Certificates . X509Certificate .. ctor ( String fileName , String password , X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags )
at System . Security . Cryptography . X509Certificates . X509Certificate2 .. ctor ( String fileName , String password )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . Core . Internal . Certificates . CertificateConfigLoader . LoadCertificate ( CertificateConfig certInfo , String endpointName )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . KestrelConfigurationLoader . LoadDefaultCert ()
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . KestrelConfigurationLoader . Reload ()
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . KestrelConfigurationLoader . Load ()
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . Core . KestrelServerImpl . BindAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . Core . KestrelServerImpl . StartAsync [ TContext ]( IHttpApplication ` 1 application , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Hosting . GenericWebHostService . StartAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
at Microsoft . Extensions . Hosting . Internal . Host . StartAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
at Microsoft . Extensions . Hosting . HostingAbstractionsHostExtensions . RunAsync ( IHost host , CancellationToken token )
at Microsoft . Extensions . Hosting . HostingAbstractionsHostExtensions . RunAsync ( IHost host , CancellationToken token )
at Microsoft . Extensions . Hosting . HostingAbstractionsHostExtensions . Run ( IHost host )
at Litium . Apps . SveaPayment . Program . Main ( String [] args ) in / _ / src / Litium . Apps . SveaPayment / Program . cs : line 23
The solution was to generate a new one with the command below, in the same path as your docker-compose file, and then restart the containers. Thanks Anton Marklars for the solution.
dotnet dev-certs https -ep ./data/https/localhost.pfx -p PasswordThatShouldBeChanged
#...Then followed a message about an already existing certificate that could be ignored.
Read more at MÃ¥rten Wahlunds Github-repo About Litium, dev-certs and Docker
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