When setting up an existing dev site I got this error for the SveaPayment-app:
2022 - 02 - 17 10 : 32 : 44.1039 [ App : 01 ] [ 916919702 a6a8343af56f989db5df72b ] [ ERROR ] [] Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel - Connection id "" , Request id "" : An unhandled exception was thrown by the application . System . InvalidOperationException : IDX20803 : Unable to obtain configuration from : ' System . String ' . System . IO . IOException : IDX20807 : Unable to retrieve document from : ' System . String ' . HttpResponseMessage : ' System . Net . Http . HttpResponseMessage ' , HttpResponseMessage . Content : ' System . String ' .
at Microsoft . IdentityModel . Protocols . HttpDocumentRetriever . GetDocumentAsync ( String address , CancellationToken cancel )
at Microsoft . IdentityModel . Protocols . OpenIdConnect . OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever . GetAsync ( String address , IDocumentRetriever retriever , CancellationToken cancel )
at Microsoft . IdentityModel . Protocols . ConfigurationManager ` 1. GetConfigurationAsync ( CancellationToken cancel )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft . IdentityModel . Protocols . ConfigurationManager ` 1. GetConfigurationAsync ( CancellationToken cancel )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authentication . JwtBearer . JwtBearerHandler . HandleAuthenticateAsync ()
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authentication . JwtBearer . JwtBearerHandler . HandleAuthenticateAsync ()
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authentication . AuthenticationHandler ` 1. AuthenticateAsync ()
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authentication . AuthenticationService . AuthenticateAsync ( HttpContext context , String scheme )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authorization . Policy . PolicyEvaluator . AuthenticateAsync ( AuthorizationPolicy policy , HttpContext context )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authorization . AuthorizationMiddleware . Invoke ( HttpContext context )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Authentication . AuthenticationMiddleware . Invoke ( HttpContext context )
at Microsoft . AspNetCore . Server . Kestrel . Core . Internal . Http . HttpProtocol . ProcessRequests [ TContext ]( IHttpApplication ` 1 application )
This app was installed on another machine before mine. So there is a credential missmatch in the configuration files of the app.
The solution is to uninstall the app. Then reinstall it again and add the configuration again in the Svea Payment Configuration field.
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