After switching from Wordpress to Jekyll I got a lot faster load times. But I also got to type more to get a post published. This can be eased by using snippets in the Atom editor in which i write my posts.
A snippet is a small region of code that you use often. In Atom and many other editors these can be inserted by typing a few words and then let the editor fill in the rest by pushing tab.
Jekyll example
In Jekyll you start all posts with defining a few variables in front matter. This posts front matter look like this:
Instead of typing that every time I create a post I can create a snippet that automatically finishes all that text after i type ---
and push tab.
Creating a snippet in Atom
Open up the snippets.cson
file by clicking Atom->Snippets...
in the menu.
Now type snip
and push tab to get a scaffold for creating your own snippet. When first pushing tab this is what we’ll get:
- the .source.js is setting in which files the snippet will be active. In this case javascript files.
- ‘Snippet Name’ is the name of the snippet.
- Prefix is what will trigger the snippet.
- Body is what the trigger will be replaced with.
This is an example of a snippet that works in markdown files to add front matter variables:
A snippet with tab stops
In this blog i also use a lot of code highlighting. To highlight code with Jekyll you type something like this:
{% highlight javascript %}
let variable = "text";
{% endhighlight %}
instead of always adding a javascript snippet i can add a tab stop to this snippet so that i always get to type what language i am highlighting. That snippet would look like this:
'prefix': 'high'
'body' : """{% highlight $1 %}
{% endhighlight %}"""
That was a quick introduction to snippets in Atom. Check out the documentation to learn more.